Yoga and Psychoanalysis

In diesem Buch werden kurz die verschiedenen Yogasysteme vorgestellt und sodann eine vergleichende Untersuchung zur Psychoanalyse erarbeitet. Der Laya-Yoga, eine mehr medita-tive Form des Yoga eignet sich genau so gut wie die sich auf die Linguistik stützende Psycho-analyse J. Lacans für einen derartigen wissenschaftlichen Vergleich. Diese wissenschaftliche Studie mündet schließlich in ein eigenes psychotherapeutisches Verfahren, das Ost und West ideal miteinander verbindet.

Eine von mehreren Kundenrezensionen  Von    hawe beam 15. November 2009: der höchste yoga und die moderne wissenschaft reichen sich die hände ...und dieses friedliche ereignis hat der autor vor unseren lesenden augen hingezaubert mit wissenschaftlicher akribie und praktischer einführung in eine moderne meditationsmethode ...die sogar den analytiker begleiten wenn nicht sogar ersetzen kann.ein ende der analyse ist denkbar und ein entlassen in eine selbtsgewählte verantwortlichkeit und eigenes tun ist durch einüben dieser methode möglich geworden. ein kuklturverbindendes buch ...das mehr als versöhnend wirkt und zugleich religion und wissenschaft ...heute lebbar macht und zwar durch studium und übung...
    A Scientific Comparison based on the Life and Teachings of Sant Kirpal Singh, nächste Seite.

The  book offers a brief overview of the different types of Yoga and then provides a comparison with the modern science of psychology. Laya Yoga, a comprehensive physical and mental method, seems to be the best pick for such research. Laya Yoga, as it was taught by the late Sant Kirpal Singh (1894-1974) in Sant Mat (Rhadasoami, Ruhani Satsang, India), is widely known as a modern method of meditation in India. There, a yogi is no longer expected to live in the forest, or to subject himself to asceticism. He is rather free to have a normal profession, have a family and children, and is expected to include modern scientific aspects into his teachings. Kirpal Singh's Surat Shabd Yoga (his name for Laya Yoga) is also related to Patanjali's yoga. 'Yoga is chit vritis nirodha', is being in command of 'chit' (the conscious) and 'vritis' (vibrations, transformations), which Kirpal Singh set forth as being equivalent wYog-psych5ith his 'light' and 'sound' principle in meditation. We come across such terms and principles in Psychoanalysis, the most significant form of scientific psychology found in the western world today. Especially in French psychoanalyst J. Lacan's version of Freud's drive-structure concept do we find perception drives (drive to perceive, to look) and invocation drives (drive to express, to speak) that function in the unconscious, and which are predominant. Actually, the drive to look is nothing other than 'chit', a kind of primary conscious, an immediate gaze, or better and simply put: an IT SHINES. IT SHINES means that something primarily visual, a primary visual awareness, or primary visibility is constantly at work within and around us. It is at work when images are being produced in dreams as well as in 'light' experiences in meditation, and last but not the least, this is also the most subtle of physical reality.

After all, the conscious is nothing other than a 'reciprocated gaze', a reflection, or a 'primal form' of looking or of perception. In the same way we can substitute 'vritis' with the drive to speak, which is the most substantial form of invocation: the IT SPEAKS. Lacan says: "The unconscious is structured in the same manner a language is...", it behaves like an IT SPEAKS within and around us. A combination of the SHINES and of the SPEAKS actually requires to be taken under command and setting yoga and psychoanalysis into relation with one another supplies us with a simple tool to do just that. In Surat Shabd Yoga command is taken of the combination of the SHINES and SPEAKS by applying and reverberating mentaly Sanskrit formulations. But for a scientifc method we can use linguistic styled formulations which I call FORMULA-WORDS. This comparative study of western and eastern 'spirituality' or 'psychology' (whatever you may call it) centers around such FORMULA-WORDs which are quite similar to Sanskrit mantras. They each bear several meanings in one formulation and correspond to the scientific term 'unconscious' as well as to the exercises in Laya Yoga. This comparative study culminates in an independent and new method which can connect the East and the West in an ideal way. Of course, this new method needs a new name (neither is it strictly yoga nor psychoanalysis). The expression that seems most fitting is: Analytic Psychocatharsis. The Greek word 'kathairo' (καθαiρο) means as much as: to wash clean, or cleanse. An important effect results from this method in that it develops a directly noticeable liberation, or cleansing, something that is a slightly affective experience (such as Moksha, or Samadhi in yoga). Another aspect is the psychoanalytic cognizance that is included, something more intellectual. Thus, the adjective 'Analytic'.

ARE - VID - EOR is such a FORMULA-WORD. It does not originate in Sanskrit. As Kirpal Singh always said: "Sanskrit is not the lingua franca of spirituality...", thereby stressing that the meaning of his Sanskrit names did not only lie in the old Indian language. ARE - VID - EOR originates in Latin. Sanskrit as well as Latin are both very well suited to be a basis for formulations, mantras and FORMULA - WORDS in meditation. ARE - VID - EOR, namely, is a SHINES / SPEAKS - formulation of the first degree, since significantly more words, imaginations, meanings and pictures are hidden therein than in this one image of a word (or, word of an image). Were you to read it starting from a different letter, each in turn, then a variety of versions would result:

A RE VIDEOR I am seen by something, REVIDE ORA Look again, pray!, EVIDE ORAR Recognise therefrom: I am spoken! VIDE ORA RE Look, speak, in truth! VI DEORARE Fully speaking with power. VIDEO RARE I perceive unusually. DE ORARE VI On speaking with persuasion. EO RARE VID(E) Seldomly look there!

Asstrange and alien as these formulations may sound, this is just what it takes to establish calmness and concentration in the conscious, just as Sanskrit formulations do. But, the latter are - as just mentioned - based on traditional beliefs (a guru's power lies within them) that might continue to be suitable for ordinary people. The new method, though, is prone to attract scientifically oriented people in the East as well as in the West due to linguistics and geometrical aspects being in the foreground. Based on these fundamental manifestations the book covers aspects of reincarnation and precognition, the significance of repetitive processes and many other comparable phenomena in yoga and psychoanalysis. The author, Dr. Günter von Hummel, is a psychoanalyst and was a devotee of Kirpal Singh for over thirty years.