Introverted and extroverted gaze

Picture data is calculated, re-formatted and saved to computer memory in electromagnetic form, which can be regarded as an image of the original picture. To display such a digitized picture on a screen, that image is again re-formatted by calculating single points (called pixels) and projected to the surface of the screen. A pixel has the form of a crystal and similar structure. A pixel, then, represents formalized ('correct') information, bundled into one single place, but 'behind' it is an image in a different, here, electromagnetic form.

Similarly, the brain is also able to 'see' in multiple ways. Image creation processes in neurosciences, such as positron emission tomography, or functional magnetic resonance imaging, can demonstrate, that the activity (of attention, metabolism etc.) in the frontal brain is increased through Yoga, whereby an 'extraverted gaze' is strengthened and an 'introverted gaze' is also altered. In the 1970s, neurologist W. Scheidt achieved to produce such pictures using EEG-checkups alone.1 Later on, I will be displaying such picture productions for Yoga, which explain even better, how the gaze can become more correct through Yoga. With general asceticism and statements concerning the essence of Yoga, religion etc., a rhetoric then that consolidates and binds multiple meanings, Kirpal Singh and Sawan Singh were able to further sustain such „correctness".

In order to pick up again on a theory of unconscious seeing and speaking an especially calm, clear and firm gaze could play a particular role. Such a gaze lacks the normal and slow unconscious eye movements (double saccade system of the eyes), 2 occurring with most people. The human eye is never completely motionless, which is also the origin of REM sleep (sleep with rapid eye movement during dream phases).


1 Scheidt, W., Natural Science of Thought, U & S (1970)

2 Gregory, R. L., Eye and Brain, Rowohlt (2001) p. 63-67