In the Beginning, a Sum of Signifiers

The bible says: „In the beginning was the word ..." (in John). But what sounded there, what did he, it, they, or all of them say? Something of the sort of the 'fiat lux' announced, an announcement of 'light', the second signifier. This is the only way it can work. There can't be a voice in the beginning. That would be foolish.

But, a word without a voice, on the other hand, is strange, too. So how could Kirpal Singh get the 'sound' from a yogi by just waiting? Is this not the same problem as: how can God speak before any symbolic rules had been established?

For us scientists it is, of course, more logical to say that the universe, or its beginning, or something of that sort, was a sum of signifiers (if necessary, a very small sum), and still is, and that everything else developed from it. It wasn't G, o, d who was at the beginning, but two primal principles, two primal signifiers (primal drives) with which we insinuate Him to have been the beginning: the perfect triad (triplicity, trinity).

It isn't God with His 'fiat lux' that is the best description of the primal SHINES, but the 'master', or - as Lacan says - the analyst, the listening and speaking teacher, as an 'will-o'-the-wisp'1. He is a 'light', though it flickers and wavers, so that the follower or one being analyzed need assert energy to grasp it. It takes many conversation sessions for the flickering 'light' to become clearer and clearer, and for it to be verbally describable, or narrated.

At a point, it could be brought to a final combination, or conjecture, through the psychoanalyst (or through remembering the gaze-image of the master in Surat Shabd Yoga). Symbolic and verbal signifiers are the main points in analysis, though 'will-o'-the-wisps' are also important. However, most of the modern-day analysts don't regard themselves as 'will-o'-the-wisps'. They prefer to regard themselves as gurus!


1 Lacan, J., Séminaire Nr. XXI, lecture of 5/14/74, notes page 150. Of course, we may speak of God as a 'will-o'-the-wisp', necessarily secondly adding 'full speaking' in order to complete the conjecture.